Re: Favorite nonmagical structures
an enthusiastic and informative email reply

From: Shannon the Unceasing <shannonwithoutend@courierzone.wings>
To: Carly of Infinite Splendour <carly_is_radiant@astralteleportation.mail>
CC: Inverse Carly <carly_is_radiant@doppelganger.blood>
Those are so fun! I definitely need to visit the gateway remnants next time I'm in Chicago for work.
If I had to pick one favorite for myself, I definitely couldn't, lol, so you're getting a few. YOU KNEW I WAS AN ARCHITECTURE NERD WHEN WE MADE THE SPIRIT PACT.
Okay so the first one has to be the Facade Without Equal Or Deception in Richmond, VA. They tore it down in 2009, and again in 2018, but you can find pictures probably. The guy in charge of Sears in the early aughts was making a lot of wild decisions, as you'd expect from someone who won ownership of a multibillion dollar franchise in a trial by combat. One of them was paying this fucked up Quebecois architect to design a building that would "stand the test of time" without using a cheap gimmick. I guess putting a featureless 1-kilometer concrete cube on top of your two-story retail outlet isn't a cheap gimmick lmfao. It's really sturdy, too, like I think as of last year they're just redesigning the whole downtown area around what's left of it.
Number two took me a little longer to think about, but I think I settle on the 1996 summer olympics stadium. They were planning on doing it in Atlanta I think but they couldn't get the horses for the equestrian events to cross the demarcation line intact, so they just kinda adapted and built a highway to this big empty area in the Blue Ridge mountains, and built a stadium complex there.
The local workers started calling it the Tower of Babel because the air was so thin that if they tried to talk while doing the construction work they would pass out. It was definitely a weird choice to do it so vertical, but if they hadn't then I feel like we wouldn't have gotten the cool spiral-track variants of the foot races and swimming events that have since become standard, so it was probably worth it.
My buddy Enoch does urbex photography and he showed me some really cool shots of the state of the tower in 2020, and let me tell you: It's easy to read that 40% of the bird population of the continental US currently lives in that tower, but it's quite another to see it. Bird city USA!!
I have to go check on the cauldron in a few so I'm just gonna bullet point rattle off some more. Get at me on the scrying orb if you want the story on any of these.
- The McDonald's in international waters that you get to and from via waterslides in the Florida Keys
- The Luminous Obelisk in Long Beach (before it burned down, obv)
- Bobby's Teeth on route 66
- The emergency backup Eiffel Tower in Marseilles
- The fractal shrine in Osaka
- The remastered director's cut of Vancouver
Also, are you coming to Sarah's ritual sacrifice afterparty on Friday? She said something that was either wanting to hang out with you again because it's been a while, or some kind of ominous prophecy that if you come you'll die. You know how Sarah is, lol.
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